Naziv projekta: Zajednički razvoj prekograničnog biciklističkog turizma duž Eurovela 13
Akronim: OPTI-BIKE 3
Identifikacioni broj projekta: HUSRB/23R/22/067
Ukupan budžet projekta: 2.348.999,64 EUR
Iznos sredstava Evropske unije (IPA): 1.996.649,69 EUR
Sopstveno učešće Grada Subotica: 209.879,50 EUR
Početak projekta: 1. septembar 2024. godine
Kraj projekta: 31. avgust 2026. godine
Vodeći korisnik: Grad Subotica
Korisnik 1: Tompa Város Önkormányzata (Lokalna uprava grada Tompa)
Projekat ima za cilj da pojednostavi i ubrza prevoz biciklom, kao i da pruži dodatne turističke sadržaje na severu Vojvodine i u Bač-Kiškun županiji u Mađarskoj.
EuroVelo 13 proteže se od severnoevropskih obala do Crnog mora i prolazi kroz granicu između Srbije i Mađarske, pružajući biciklistima jedinstvenu priliku za istraživanje istorijskog i prirodnog pejzaža ovog regiona. Ova trasa služi kao most između različitih kultura i naroda.
Na deonici granice između Srbije i Mađarske, trasa prolazi kroz mirne ruralne puteve koji povezuju partnere na projektu OPTI-BIKE 3, odnosno Suboticu u Srbiji i Tompu u Mađarskoj.
Ova regija, poznata po svojim širokim ravnicama, prirodnim rezervatima i bogatoj kulturnoj baštini, nudi biciklistima opuštajuće iskustvo uz mogućnost posete lokalnim znamenitostima.
Subotica, kao jedan od gradova na ovoj trasi, poznata je po secesijskoj arhitekturi, multikulturalnom duhu i bogatoj istoriji. Biciklisti koji prate EuroVelo 13 mogu istražiti ovaj lep grad, uživati u kafićima i restoranima, kao i posetiti obližnji Palić, poznat po jezeru i prirodnom
Od Subotice prema severu, trasa se nastavlja kroz Južnu niziju (Dél-Alföld) u Mađarskoj, pružajući priliku biciklistima da istraže ravničarske predele i uživaju u tišini i lepoti prirode.
Na ovom delu EuroVelo 13, biciklistima su dostupne različite vrste smeštaja i restorana, kako u Srbiji tako i u Mađarskoj, što omogućava planiranje dužih tura bez poteškoća.
Tender documentation is available upon request on following email address:
Tender documentation is available upon request on following email address:
Referent No. HUSRB/23R/22/067– LA-TD05 – 4.5.1
Tender title: Supervision services for works/infrastructure for project OPTI-BIKE 3
Publication Date: 21/03/2025
Deadline for submission of the tender: 31/03/2025 at 15.00 hours
Project ID: HUSRB/23R/22/067
Project Title: Joint development of cross-border cycling tourism along Eurovelo 13
Acronym: OPTI-BIKE 3
Partner organization responsible for the Tender: The City of Subotica
Subject of the Tender: Construction of bicycle road in Subotica for project OPTI-BIKE 3
Type of procedure: Local open
Deadline for submission of the tender: 08/04/2025; 13:00h local time
Publication Date: 31/01/2025
Market research
At this stage we are conducting market research for some of the project activities. For the purpose of ensuring proper project implementation, we would like to invite your firm to submit a confirmation of interest for the following service:
Expert project management, monitoring and reporting services for project OPTI-BIKE 3
Further details about the upcoming procurement procedure.
If you decide to participate in the upcoming procurement procedure, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing to the following email address:
Tender documentation is available upon request on following email address:
Referent No. HUSRB/23R/22/067– LA-TD1.3
Tender title: Expert project management, monitoring and reporting services for project OPTI-BIKE 3
Publication Date: 10/01/2025
Market research
At this stage we are conducting market research for some of the project activities. For the purpose of ensuring proper project implementation, we would like to invite your firm to submit a confirmation of interest for the following service: Organization of project events and production of visibility tools and materials with translation services for project OPTI-BIKE 3.
Further details about the upcoming procurement procedure.
If you decide to participate in the upcoming procurement procedure, we would be grateful if you could inform us in writing to the following email address:
Tender documentation is available upon request on following email address:
Referent No. HUSRB/23R/22/067– LA-TD04 – 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.6.3, 4.6.4, 4.6.5, 4.7.1
Tender title: Organization of project events and production of visibility tools and materials with translation services for project OPTI-BIKE 3
Publication Date: 18/12/2024
Referent No. HUSRB/VI-A/SU/RSP/06-2023
Tender title: Services related to project preparation and submission of application for
Publication Date: 04/07/2023
Reference No. HUSRB/23R/22/067– LA-TD01 – 4.4.1.
Tender title: External procurement services for project OPTI-BIKE 3
Publication Date: 11/10/2024.
Interreg-IPA CPC
Mađarska – Srbija
Naziv projekta: Optimizacija saobraćaja u pograničnoj zoni – planiranje i izgradnja biciklističkih staza
Akronim: OPTI-BIKE
Identifikacioni broj projekta: HUSRB/1602/21/0102
Ukupan budžet projekta: 2.566.612,65 EUR
Iznos sredstava Evropske unije (IPA): 2.181.620,74 EUR
Početak projekta: 1. oktobar 2017. godine
Kraj projekta: 30. septembar 2019. godine
Vodeći korisnik: Grad Subotica
Korisnik 1: Ásotthalom Nagyközségi Önkormányzat (Lokalna opština Ásotthalom)
Korisnik 2: Tompa Város Önkormányzata (Lokalna uprava grada Tompa)
Ovaj projekat ima za cilj da pojednostavi i ubrza prevoz vozilom i biciklom što će se postići na sledeće načine:
Glavni cilj će se postići izgradnjom biciklističkih staza na obe strane mađarsko-srpske granice. Namena projekta je optimizacija saobraćaja u pograničnoj zoni. Takođe, planiranje i izgradnja biciklističkih staza će omogućiti građanima koji koriste bicikl kao prevozno sredstvo i kao vid rekreacije da brzo stignu do granice i brzo je pređu sa obe strane. Pored toga, razvoj novih biciklističkih staza će obezbediti bezbednu vožnju biciklom preko granice kao i zaštitu životne sredine (smanjenje emisije CO2).
Doneta je odluka o pokretanju postupka za nabavku usluge izrade tehničke dokumentacije za biciklističke staze u okviru projekta “OPTI-BIKE”.
Prema pravilima PraG, nabavka se sprovodi po proceduri “Competitive Negotiated Procedure”. Rok za dostavu ponude je 13.00sati, dana 30.04.2019.godine.
Grad Subotica je u okviru implementacije OPTI-BIKE projekta (HUSRB /1602/21/0102) dana 01.04.2019. godine objavio novi tender.
Tender documentation is available upon request on following email address:
Referent No. HUSRB/1903/21/0098 – LB-TD 5.4
Tender title: Services related to external project management and procurement procedures for project OPTI BIKE 2
Publication Date: 29/12/2020
Referent No. HUSRB/1903/21/0098 – LB-TD 5.6
Tender title: Visibility services for project OPTI-BIKE 2
Publication Date: 08/02/2021
Referent No. HUSRB/1903/21/0098 – LB-TD 7.1.1
Tender title: Construction of bicycle road in Subotica for project OPTI-BIKE 2
Publication Date: 03/09/2021
Project Title: Optimising traffic in the border zone by construction of bicycle paths
Acronym: OPTI-BIKE 2
Project ID: HUSRB/1903/21/0098
Total Project budget: 456.203,71 EUR
EU contribution (IPA): 387.775,69 EUR
Start Date: 01/11/2020
End Date: 30/04/2022
Lead Beneficiary: City of Subotica, Subotica, Serbia
Beneficiary: Local municipality of Tompa, Tompa, Hungary
Contact information: Grad Subotica, Local government, Subotica, Serbia
Address: Trg slobode 1, 24000 Subotica
Contact person: Ms. Andrea Kikić
Telephone: +381 24 626745
The objective with OPTI BIKE 2 project is primarily to relieve the Kelebija – Tompa, Bački Vinogradi – Ásotthalom and Horgoš – Röszke crossing of these burdens, offering an alternative for people travelling in the region to cross by bicycle. On the basis of the already developed plans, Subotica will construct 1.5 km, while Tompa will construct roughly 494 m of bicycle path. With its implementation, the project will broaden mutual cooperation between Hungary and Serbia, together with the development of economic and human relationships resulting from that cooperation. This project is of pivotal importance for the economy of the microregion, mainly for tourism, but also for infrastructural development and environmental protection, too.
Among the important target groups gaining benefit from the project are people using the bicycle paths, cca 700.000 inhabitants of Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád county, and cca 350.000 inhabitants of Northern Bačka. Also, improved transport infrastructure is aimed at creating better conditions for foreign investments, which means that investors should also benefit. Easier accessibility and more favourable conditions of transportation will bring greater opportunities for employment, which means that the unemployed will also have their stake. Furthermore, the improved infrastructure will greatly awake interest for the region to visit, meaning that both domestic and foreign tourists will find it easier to access regional amenities. Finally, agricultural producers will be able to market their products on more accessible markets in the region under vastly improved conditions.
The project counts with a number of planned events for the general public to attend, and these are conferences with promo materials and media coverage.